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Threat & Risk Intelligence

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Key Benefits

Prioritization of <br class='d-md-none' />Resources
Prioritization of
Allocate resources efficiently by focusing on critical assets and vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat.
Improved <br class='d-md-none' />Decision-Making
Better decision-making by evaluating the potential risks and impact of security threats.
Proactive Threat <br class='d-md-none' />Management
Proactive Threat
Early identification of potential threats and vulnerabilities, enables organizations to implement preventive measures faster.
Regulatory <br class='d-md-none' />Compliance
Meet regulatory cybersecurity requirements by identifying and addressing risks that align with compliance standards.

What Does Threat & Risk Intelligence Do?

Threat intelligence refers to the collection and analysis of information about potential cyber threats, such as attacks, vulnerabilities, and tactics used by adversaries. We partner with Group-IB to deliver high-quality, comprehensive insights that are crucial for cyber security operations.

What the Solution Delivers

<br class='d-md-none' />Surface Management

Surface Management

Receive actionable insights to improve security posture with an external attack surface management service.

<br class='d-md-none' />Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Consume threat intelligence as a service. Receive access to our platform with unparalleled insights into your adversaries.

<br class='d-md-none' />Risk Protection

Risk Protection

Protect your digital assets with our online brand and risk protection services.

Benefits of Threat & Risk Intelligence

Improved Visibility

Discover all external assets, including shadow IT, forgotten infrastructure and misconfigured devices.

Continuous Discovery

Automate IT asset discovery and continuously map out your external attack surface.

Updated Inventory

Confirm your organization’s assets to generate an up-to-date asset inventory.

Threat Intelligence

Gain insights into hidden risks like credential dumps, dark web mentions, botnets, malware, and more.

Risk Assessment

Check identified assets for common vulnerabilities and assign each one a risk score to prioritize remediation.

Enhanced Posture

Reduce risk and fix issues that provide measurable results for your security program.

Companies leveraging threat intelligence experience a 33% reduction in the cost of security breaches.

SOURCE: Forrester


A platform that provides unparalleled insights into your adversaries.
Attack Surface Management

Receive actionable insights to improve security posture with a continuous external attack surface management service and detect issues across eight different categories.

Visual Graph Analysis

Visually showcase your external attack surface, by detecting existing or potential threats. The platform will automatically build map connections between analyzed resources or nodes and other types of objects.

Dark Web Database

Gain unparalleled access to the industry’s most comprehensive dark web database, encompassing forums, card shops, markets, and instant messaging platforms. Our advanced methods penetrate closed hacking communities where traditional approaches like crawlers, scripts, or big data fall short.

Account Compromise

Discover compromised accounts for your domain users, or your customer’s credentials. Identify credentials collected from phishing resources, botnets, command-and-control (C&C) servers, and marketplace forums. Pinpoint the exact machines affected, including malware locations, machine hostnames, and usernames.

Expand Your Threat & Risk Intelligence Capabilities

Vulnerability Management (VMaaS)
Vulnerability Management (VMaaS)
Detect, classify, and contextualize vulnerabilities, with designed and prioritized remediation programs.
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Attack Surface Management
Attack Surface Management
The practice of continuously identifying, monitoring, and managing the digital assets, vulnerabilities, and entry points that could be exploited by cyber threats.
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